WithYouWithMe (WYWM) addresses critical skill shortages in the tech sector through an innovative Discover, Train, Deploy & Grow approach. This approach paired with the core values of the founders means that individuals are allowed to reach their full potential, employers otherwise don't see.
Founded in 2013, Detectify has been a leader in building an ethical hacking community online, recognizing that something was terribly broke with the way the internet worked. Hackers for Change is proud to partner with a leader in this space.
Founded after the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, Breachsense was built upon a wealth of knowledge in red teaming services and penetration testing.
Mand Consulting Group is a cyber security consultancy that specializes in emerging technology penetration testing. Through our partnership with Mand Consulting Group, Hackers for Change has been able to offer short-term, paid work opportunities to senior and associate volunteers.
Founded in 1988, Mid-Range has been providing strategic services to clients across North America in a variety of industries for all things IT. Mid-Range has been a strong sponsor of our mission at Hackers for Change.
Partner With Us
Hackers for Change recognizes the importance of partnership within the community for the greater good. Our team is open to collaborating in a number of ways, the best way to reach out is to contact us through our website.